Tuesday 7 April 2009


1st Client : Alfred Nobel

"If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied."

2nd Client : Jacques Yves Cousteau

"It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert."

3rd Client : Keith Campbell

“That's a difficult one. Scientists are asked to referee a lot of papers and to a certain extent we have to believe each other as to the validity of the data.”

http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/top/first-name/alfred/last-name/nobel/ (accessed:06.04.09)
http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/jacquesyve204389.html (accessed:05.04.09)
http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/Keith_Campbell/ (accessed:06.04.09)

Thursday 2 April 2009

Experimental Draft Model (Shadow)

3 textures used




FINAL SUBMISSION - Images and 3D warehouse link

The upper space is for Rosaline Gascoigne. The word that relates to this space is Split. The Lower space space is for Fiona Hall. The word used to describe Hall's work is Recall.
I tried to make relation between upper and under ground space with main shape of space.
The main material for this design is stone. Two kinds of stone are used for exterior finish to express two different theme and texture. One of major concern was natural light to all three spaces so glass has been used to get natural light to spaces and to emphasise a sense of words as well with diffrent shape.

3 Animations

Wednesday 1 April 2009